In New York (1977), W. R. Bion suggested the writing of a book to be called “The Interpretation of Facts” in which ‘facts’ would be translated into dream language, in order to get ‘a two-way traffic’ going with the “Interpretation of Dreams” (in which dreams are translated into facts). The intention of the Bion in Marrakech seminar is such a ‘two-way traffic’: between different international groups of French and English speaking analysts, and of course among the individual analysts within them and among our scientific commitments and imaginative contributions.
The “two-way traffic“ bears the image of a dynamic moving fluid oscillating between two depths, two states, two shapes, two lands…separated by a frontier such as the contact barrier. The 2019 seminar will take place: On the border -as its title expresses.
The first seminar took place in 2013 in Marrakech, a fictional place and a matrix of a dream made of desires and fears akin to Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities.
After the second and third seminars held in Marseilles, the 2019 seminar returns to Marrakech. All four seminars kept the title ‘Bion in Marrakech’ to convey the atmosphere of debate – on independent ground – first aimed for.
The seminar is a self funding International meeting limited to 55-60 people. Our intent is for all participants to attend all sessions as well as the closing feedback, so that the discussion has the best chance of building as we go. A detailed knowledge of Bion’s work is not necessary, what matters is enjoying the discussion of clinical work if we assume: “that psychoanalysis is a joint activity of analysand and analyst to determine the truth; that being so, the two are engaged -no matter how imperfectly- on what is in intention a scientific activity.” W. R. Bion (1992).
Further details go to: https://en.bioninmarrakech.org/first/
This event is by invitation only.